Saturday, November 1, 2008

oz zoo

Its always hard to know what the best time is to visit a zoo. To get your moneys worth you want to go when the animals are at their most active, where they display their most basic, primal behaviour. Well, here at Toronga Zoo, Sydney, Oz, Saturday afternoon is the weekend. Down time. Kick back. Chillaxing. Hanging.
Still, all rather magnificent creatures great and small.


Lotje said...

Fon at the zoo! Hey, I'm really excited to have become a blogger... Is it a coincidence that we both started blogs on the same day? x x x

Anne Dakin said...

Wow, what a Zoo - , I like the picture with James and his potential new ears is he thinking of becoming a part- time 'inmate'???- Looks as if you are having fun- your certificate has not arrived from St Martins. Dad said that he has most of your certificates. Speak to you tomorrow Sunday. could do with a bit of your sunshine here, it is cold and rainy. Mor xxx

thevikinglady said...

How funny to start our blogs on the same day! They're blogging good fun arent they :-)
